Minnesota Tight End Jack DiSano Keeps Family Tradition and Rivalry Alive

Minnesota Football tight end Jack DiSano didn’t know what college was going to look like for him, but he knew he wanted to play football.

The midwest ties run deep as he grew up in Glenview, Illinois, his father was a Gopher alumni, and his sister is a current senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

DiSano applied to both Wisconsin and Minnesota for academics, and did not get accepted by Wisconsin. After getting accepted to Minnesota, DiSano had a chance at playing football that he was eager to accept. 

DiSano’s father, Kevin, said, “It took a series of very fortunate circumstances for Jack to have the opportunity to play at Minnesota. If any one of those events happened differently, he’d probably not be playing football at Minnesota.”

The cards all came together for Jack’s college and football experience. Although he did not have any game time this past regular season, his work ethic and love of the program is strong.

DiSano said, “I think everything happens for a reason. I think Julia was destined to go [to Wisconsin] and I was destined to go to Minnesota…and, obviously, we’d beat them two years in a row and have the axe.” 

Jack’s sister, Julia DiSano is currently a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Both of them support one another, but also support the long-standing rivalry between their schools.

DiSano said, “Julia and I have gotten closer since our schools are so closely knit together. The rivalry has brought us closer and in some ways and brought us further apart in others.”

Julia shared similar sentiments and said, “Having a brother that goes to a rival school makes our relationship more light-hearted and fun. We have healthy banter and ultimately, at the end of the day, his success, well-being, and happiness means much more to me than our rivalry.”

As a father of a Minnesota undergraduate and Wisconsin undergraduate, Kevin DiSano reflected on Julia’s experience at Wisconsin, and now Jack’s first year at Minnesota. 

“It was super fun going to the Wisconsin games with Julia and seeing the school spirit at Camp Randall during her four years at Wisconsin,” Kevin said. “Now, having a Badger and two Gophers in the family, it seems like a fair balance: Two Gophers can easily give one Badger a good fight. Minnesota has won the Axe two years in a row now. I’m excited to see how this family rivalry develops over the next few years.”

Kevin DiSano graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1996. Most could only imagine the pride someone would feel having their child attend their alma mater, additionally to play football. 

Kevin said, “In 1990, when I was a freshman at the U, if you would have told me that my son would run out of the tunnel on my 50th birthday, September 1st, 2022, playing football at my alma mater, I would have said that’s too good to be true.” 

Jack echoed his father and said, “It means a lot having my dad close to school being 20 minutes away. It means a lot to me that he is able to support me by showing up, and I know that he’s just a phone call away or a short 20 minute drive away.”

After a few minutes talking to DiSano, his passion and commitment to family, on the field and off the field, was powerful. DiSano lived with two other Gopher football players his freshman year, Colton Gregersen and Zach Jorgensen. It was clear his teammates are his family at the University of Minnesota. Whether he is back home in Glenview, at school in Minnesota, or visiting Wisconsin, Jack has a community to be a part of. 

DiSano said, “Family is a big part of what we do here in Minnesota and having family behind my back is awesome and important.”

Despite attending college in separate states, the DiSano siblings have stayed connected and maintained a strong relationship. His sisters’ pride was evident as she spoke about Jack’s growth within the Minnesota Football program. 

Julia said, “Him having been a part of a D1 athletic program for the last year has made it obvious to me how dedicated and hardworking he is. The things he learns from the sport and being part of the team, he has shared with me in moments where I need inspiration and support, and I really appreciate the strength and drive that he has as someone who has made this sport a big part of their life.”

With one year down, there is no doubt Jack DiSano will continue to grow as a player and as a  person in the coming years.